I was recently asked a question on my priorities in coalition government ...
In the event of a coalition agreement involving your party which one policy would you personally fight hardest to include and which one policy would you refuse to accept?
In the event of a coalition agreement involving your party which one policy would you personally fight hardest to include and which one policy would you refuse to accept?
The one policy that I would fight hardest to include is a bill to reverse
privatization of the NHS and support reinvestment in a publicly funded and
publicly accountable NHS. Ten years ago Oliver Letwin told what he thought
was a private audience that within five years of a Tory government, the NHS
would be privatized. In a televised interview in 2013, Michael Portillo revealed
that if the Tories before the last election had told the British people what
they intended to do with the NHS, people would not have voted for them.
Forced privatization has made the NHS less efficient, taken resources away
from frontline care and lead to worse health outcomes. It must be reversed.
The one policy that I would refuse to accept is continued austerity –
further cuts to public services, punishing the sick, the old, the young, the
disabled, the most vulnerable in our society for the mistakes of the bankers.
While those on benefits are stigmatized and shamed, those who caused the
economic crisis the casino capitalists who gambled with our money, and when
it all went wrong, were bailed out with our money, continue to cash in. Under
this government their wealth has doubled. It is time they started to pay
their way, and to close the gap between rich and poor, so we can move forward
as one nation, with secure jobs, affordable homes, a publicly funded NHS and
a transport system run for passengers not profit.